Gender Equality Review Phase 2 Report and Roadmap


26 November 2019


Jane Hutt AM, Deputy Minister & Chief Whip



Phase 2 of our Gender Equality Review has concluded with the publication of Chwarae Teg’s Deeds not Words report and Roadmap for achieving gender equality in Wales.  A number of complementary reports were also published:




The Welsh Government welcomes and accepts Chwarae Teg’s reports that recognise the progress we have made in tackling inequality in Wales.  The reports set out actions to help achieve our vision of equality for all, making Wales an equal, fair and just society.  In accepting the vision and principles for gender equality in Wales we are also recognising the need to take an intersectional approach in responding to the review’s recommendations.


Equality is at the heart of this government’s work and the Gender Equality Review is just one part of our approach to strengthening equality and human rights in Wales.  We are consulting on our White Paper on a Social Partnership Bill, followed later this month by a consultation on the commencement of Part 1 of the Equality Act (2010) - the socio-economic duty.  Earlier this year we accepted the recommendations of the Fair Work Commission’s Fair Work Wales report.  Additionally, we are commissioning research to understand how we can further strengthen rights and protections.


Taking forward action from the Gender Equality Review requires a long-term plan for change and will require sustained commitment and focus.  Therefore, I am extending my Strengthening Equalities and Advancing Human Rights Steering Group to provide strategic direction and oversee implementation of the recommendations.  The Group will include representatives from Equality and Human Rights Commission, Future Generations Commissioner’s office and representatives from the third sector including women’s groups, race, LGBT+ and disability groups. 


Based on Cabinet’s agreed responses to the recommendations in Deeds not Words and the Roadmap, officials are now engaged in developing our Implementation Plan.  This will not only ensure that we are able to monitor and review progress but will also allow us to maintain focus and momentum.


We have been striving for gender equality for generations.   We need everyone to be engaged with this work if we are to achieve the level of change we all want to see and this includes men, women, boys, girls, and non-binary people. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chwarae Teg for their hard work, commitment and passion in undertaking the Gender Equality Review.  I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr Alison Parken and the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) for their work on the supporting reports.  Finally, none of this would have been possible without the unstinting support of the members of my Gender Equality Review Steering Group and the Expert Advisory Group, chaired by WEN Wales.  You have all been vital in getting us to this stage. I very much hope that I can rely on your continued support as we drive this work forward and realise our ambition of becoming a feminist government.